Privacy Policy

    Nowcast Inc. (“Nowcast”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) regards the protection of data, especially personal information,as our most important corporate responsibility in light of our philosophy of visualizing various economic information through big data analysis. We strive for the appropriate use and protection of personal information, and have formulated this privacy policy for the handling of personal information.

    For your confidence in our services, we will comply with applicable privacy laws, guidelines issued by authorities, and the requirements for Personal Information Protection Management System (JIS Q 15001). We will ensure our officers and employees are in compliance with the above, and implement internal guidelines on appropriate steps to prevent risks including unauthorized access to personal information or its leakage, loss or damage, and corresponding preventive and corrective measures.

    Proper measures will be taken to ensure the personal information handled in our business, recruiting and human resource management will only be used for the specified scope of use, while we will acquire, use and provide personal information in a fair and legitimate manner and will not handle it for unspecified purposes.

    Internal guidelines on complaints and inquiries relating to handling of personal information are in place, and we will properly respond without delay.

    Beside making our employees and officers aware of this privacy policy, we will review the Personal Information Protection Management System when necessary, and endeavour to refine the Personal Information Protection Management System with reference to business and other conditions continuously.

    Effective on: Nov. 9, 2015
    Last updated on: Oct. 1, 2024
    NOWCAST, Inc. Representative Director and President
    Masashi Tsujinaka

    Inquiries about privacy policy
    Nowcast Inc.
    Attention: Privacy Team

    Personal Information Protection Policy (disclosure in compliance with "Act on the Protection of Personal Information")

    1.Use of Personal Information

    We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

    Type of personal information

    Scope of use

    Information of directors and employees

    ・Human resource management and performance of duties

    Personal information of our visitors

    ・Security measures

    Information of job candidates

    ・Candidate screening

    Customer information obtained from enquiries

    ・Customer enquiry management and sending of relevant materials

    Usage information of our website users

    ・Marketing (research, questionnaire etc.), data analysis and development of new services and products

    ・Customer contact by email or other means for provision of complimentary copies of various information

    User information of our websites/ app

    ・Customer identification when providing respective services

    ・Restrictions on access to respective services and time usage, and notifying customers about usage of service

    ・Marketing (research, questionnaire etc.), data analysis and development of new services and products

    ・Customer contact by email or other means for provision of complimentary copies of various information

    Point of contact information of business counterparts

    ・Facilitation of proper transactions with business counterparts

    ・Customer contact by email or other means for provision of complimentary copies of various information

    Information obtained through sales activities and public channel

    ・Customer contact by email for provision of complimentary copies of various information

    2.Collecting Personal Information

    We collect personal information by lawful and fair means, and do not collect your personal information if you do not consent. If we collect personal information from third-party sources, we will ensure that the providers collect the information by proper means.

    3.Personal Information Sharing

    We do not sell or share the personal information we collected with third parties except the following circumstances.

    1. when we are legally compelled to in order to comply with applicable laws or regulations
    2. when there are threats to the physical safety or properties of any person, and when it is difficult to obtain consent from customers
    3. when necessary for promotion of public health or child development, and when it is difficult to obtain consent from customers
    4. when there is a need to cooperate in regard to a central government organization or a local government, or a person entrusted by them performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining a principal's consent would interfere with the performance of the said affairs

    4.Personal Information Sharing with Affiliates

    We may share personal information with our parent company Finatext Holdings Ltd and its affiliated companies (together "FNHD) in the following circumstances when necessary, according to the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws or regulations.

    1. FNHD may use the personal information for candidates screening as follows.
      1. Personal Information
        Name, address, dates of birth, sex, phone number, email address, education background, work experience or other information written in the resumes of job candidates.
      2. Users
        Nowcast Inc., Finatext Holdings Ltd., Finatext Ltd., Teqnological Ltd., Smartplus Ltd., Smartplus Small amount Short-term Insurance Ltd.,Smartplus Credit Ltd.
      3. Scope of use
        Candidate screening
      4. Controller of personal information
        Finatext Holdings Ltd.
        President and CEO Ryota Hayashi
        Sumitomo Fudosan Kudan Building, 9th Floor
        1-8-10 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan

    5.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties within the Group

    We may provide personal information to Finatext Holdings Inc. as a third party only when necessary within the following scope. When providing personal information to third parties, we will handle the information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) and other relevant laws and regulations.

    1. We may provide personal information to Finatext Holdings Inc. as a third party for the purposes of responding to inquiries, managing responses, sending related materials, etc., as follows:
      1. Items of personal information to be provided to third parties
        Information of the customer who made the inquiry (name, affiliation, email address, phone number, and identity verification information related to the inquiry)
      2. Scope of persons who will access the personal information
        Finatext Holdings Inc.
      3. Purpose of use
        For the purposes of responding to inquiries, managing responses, sending related materials, etc.
      4. Method of provision
        Sending data by electronic means with security measures in place

    6.Monitoring of Processors

    If we contract with third parties to process personal information we collected, we will carry out data protection impact assessment and proper monitoring to ensure confidentiality is maintained.

    7.Cookies and Similar Technologies

    We may collect information using cookies and similar technologies for analytics of website usage or providing customized service or serving ads.

    Third-party tools are used to set cookies and similar technologies, which includes working with ad servers to track your browsing activities in order to serve proper online ads at the proper place.

    The tools we use are listed below. If you do not want to be tracked via cookies and similar technologies, you may opt out via the following links.

    Data collected in a way which cannot easily identify a customer personally
    We may collect information using cookies and similar technologies in a way which cannot easily identify you personally.
    You may, as indicated above, opt-out data collection or integration. Opt-out of data collection or integration may render all or parts of the services provided on our websites unable to use.

    8.Procedure for Submitting Requests for Disclosure of Information

    For the personal information we retain, if it belongs to the category of “Retained Personal Information” (including the items listed under "1.Use of Personal Information"), the principal or its representative (statutory agent/ delegated representative) may request notification of scope of use; disclosure; correction, supplement or deletion of content; termination of use; deletion; and provision to third parties (together "Request"), which we will process according to the procedures below.

    1. Destination
      The Request should be submitted to Information Manager of Nowcast Inc. according to the following s.9.
    2. Way to submit
      The Request should be submitted after making inquiry to the destination stated in the preceding paragraph. If the Request relates to the notification of scope of use; disclosure; correction, supplement or deletion of content; termination of use; deletion; and provision to third parties, of your personal information retained by us, you will need to fill in a form designated by us.
    3. Documents required
      1. Request by the individual
        A requestor will need to submit documentation designated by us.
        We will need to confirm your identity upon receipt of the Request, and may need you to send us a copy of your official identification document by post.
        We do not accept the Request by phone, email, FAX. Please submit in a way with tracking available like registered mail.
        If you are the guardian of a minor or adult ward, please provide documentation indicating your statutory agency.
      2. Request through representatives
        A representative will need to, in addition to ①.submit a proxy letter, and a copy of the official identification document of both the principal and the representative.
    4. Fee (applicable only to "the Request for disclosure of personal information/ notification of scope of use")
      We may charge a fee for the Request upwards of ¥1,000. An additional fee may be charged in complex cases, which will be communicated to the requestor.
    5. Method of response
      We will reply in writing after review of the Request.
    6. Personal information collected through the Request
      Personal Information collected through the Request will be used for handling of the Request only.

    9.Optional provision of personal information and results of non-provision

    Providing personal information to us is optional. If we do not obtain certain personal information, we may be unable to provide some services (including inquiry response).

    10. Measures for the Secure Management of Retained Personal Data

    We implement the following measures to protect retained personal data. For more detailed questions regarding our security measures, please contact our inquiry desk.

    1. Formulation of Basic Policy
    1. We have established a basic policy to ensure the proper handling of personal data.
    1. Development of Rules for Handling Personal Data
    1. We have established regulations to prevent the leakage and ensure the secure management of personal data.
    1. Organizational Security Measures
    1. We appoint a person responsible for the handling of personal data and establish a reporting and communication system to inform the responsible person of any actual or potential violations of laws or regulations.
    2. We clarify the scope of personal data handled by employees and the range of personal data they handle.
    3. We conduct regular self-inspections and external audits to verify the handling status of personal data.
    4. We monitor and review the handling status of personal data and strive to improve our personal information protection system.
    1. Personnel Security Measures
    1. We raise awareness of the importance of personal information protection and conduct regular training on the handling of personal data.
    2. We obtain confidentiality agreements from employees who handle personal data.
    1. Physical Security Measures
    1. We manage the entry and exit of employees and visitors in areas where personal data is handled.
    2. We establish measures for the use, storage, and disposal of equipment, documents, and electronic media that handle personal data to prevent theft or loss.
    1. Technical Security Measures
    1. We implement access controls to limit the scope of personnel and personal information databases they handle.
    2. We identify and authenticate employees who use information systems that handle personal data.
    3. We implement mechanisms to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access and malicious software.
    1. Understanding External Environments
    1. We understand the personal information protection systems of foreign countries and implement appropriate security measures for handling personal information in those countries.

    11.Inquiries about Handling of Personal Information

    For questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at

    NOWCAST, Inc. Representative Director and President
    Masashi Tsujinaka

    12.Development and Provision of Anonymously Processed Information to Third Parties

    We receive anonymously processed information which is properly processed in a way that it is unable to identify a particular individual or restore the personal information used in the processing, and provide such information to third parties in order to promote economic analysis and visualization of economic information.

    (1) Type of personal information
    1.Gender, age, address (no more specific than City/District/Block/Village (-shi/-ku/-cho/-son)), store name and other personal attributes
    2.Usage and transaction history

    (2) Method of provision
    Encrypted data files provided in a way that security is guaranteed.

    13.Changes to Privacy Policy

    We may amend this Privacy Policy to protect personal information of customers or reflect changes in the law or other practices. If this Privacy Policy is updated, notice will be posed on this website or websites of our services.

    Effective on: Nov. 9, 2015
    Last updated on: Oct. 1, 2024
    NOWCAST, Inc. Representative Director and President
    Masashi Tsujinaka

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